Securing HNI Bungalow in Pune
Product: Red Scan RLS2020S
Installation Date: November 2020
System Integrator: Tech Innovance
Industry: Residential
• To Detect intruder entering in to the bungalow heighted 17 meter, person should get detected by walking as well as crawling movement. Also pets should not get detected.
• Harsh Refinery environment
Successful implementation of optex laser based sensors integration with home automation light and sounders.

HNI bungalow in Pune has a threat of a person entering in bungalow at night time or any other time whenever his family is not at home. His important need is person may come by walking as well as crawling, at any position sensor should detect the person.
Also, Hight of the bungalow is 17 meters, and he wants whole-heighted bungalow protection from top to bottom, so the solution we provided is RLS2020S:- 20 meter x 20 meter laser wall.