Intrusion Detection System
Security is something that can never be compromised. Whether it is for people, property or essentials, security nowadays has become an essential perspective to consider for avoiding unpleasant situations. The need for upgrading security systems has been increasing parallelly with the rising threats and cases of intrusion and loss to lives.
What is an Intrusion Detection System ?

An Intrusion Detection System is an Electronic Security Solution that detects unauthorized entry into a Home, Office, Factory, Warehouse, etc. and alerts the property owner or the deployed Security Guards.
The Intrusion Detection System consists of a number of sensors and other electronic components working together to provide unparallel security 24*7. The whole system acts as a barrier to intruders and sends early warnings in case of intrusion attempt being made.
Components :
- Control Panel – Control Panel is the most important component of an Intrusion Detection System. It is the main panel with which all other components are connected through wires or without wires. Control Panel acts as the brain of the whole Security system continuously receiving signals from all the components.
- Motion Detectors – Motion Detectors are the essential part of an Intrusion Detection System that work on the principle of detecting objects with the help of waves they emit. On the basis of waves emission, Motion Detectors are of two types: i) Active ii) Passive
- Cameras – Cameras are integrated with an Intrusion Detection System which get activated and start recording when triggered by the Security system.
- Siren – Siren is the alarm that goes off and alerts the owner or Security Personnel about the intrusion attempt being made.
How an Intrusion Detection System Works :
Technically an Intrusion Detection System is a low voltage electrical circuit with sensors present at different locations of the guarded premises. When some obstacle comes in the range of a device, its sensor detects an interruption in the flow of electricity and sends the electric signal to the Control Panel.
An intrusion prevention system works systematically in the following steps :
- When an intrusion activity is detected by any security device, its sensor gets activated and sends a warning signal to the Control Panel connected to it through wires or wirelessly.
- On receiving the warning signal from a particular device, Control Panel acts based on the programmed settings for that device.
- If the device is programmed to set off the siren, the Control Panel will trigger the siren. If the device is programmed to send the signal to a phone, the Control Panel will act for it and if the integrated CCTV needs to be triggered then the Control Panel will activate the CCTV for recording the activities.
Technologies used in Intrusion Detection Systems :
- Passive Infrared Sensor : Passive Infrared Sensor is one that just detects the Infrared and does not emit any. On this working principle, the sensor remembers the infrared image of its surroundings and notice the energy changes that may occur due to motion. These changes in the surrounding’s energy trigger the sensor and the sensor then sends the warning to the Control Panel.
- Microwave Detector : Microwave detectors work on the principle of emitting electromagnetic radiations and analyzing the waves which are reflected back to the receiver. If there is any movement in the space, the reflected waves get altered and the receiver can identify the changes. This alteration in the path triggers the sensor which then sends the warning signal to the Control Panel.
- Photoelectric Beam Sensor : Photoelectric Beam Sensor consists of a combination of light, an emitter and a receiver. The emitter emits the light which is then received by the receiver set in a straight line. Whenever there is any interruption in the path of light, the receiver detects it and converts the received amount of light to an electrical output which sends the warning signal to the Control Panel.
- Magnetic Switches : Magnetic switches are mainly used for doors and windows to detect forceful entry. It consists of two magnetic blades separated by only a few microns, one fixed to the door or window and another one attached to the frame. When in a line with each other, both the magnets help in allowing the electricity to flow and form a complete circuit. If the door or window is pulled, the gap between the magnets increases and the circuit gets broken. This sends the signal of panic to the Control Panel in reaction.
- LASER (LiDAR) : LASER is a device that emits the narrow beam of light produced by the result of Optical Amplification. The devices working on the principle of LASER emit the light in a straight line that travels into the air as a medium of transmission and hits the object in front of it regularly. If someone comes into its path, the pattern of the beam gets distorted and the device takes it as an attempt of intrusion and hence sends the alert signal to the Control Panel.
Intrusion Detection System devices design concept :
The security of a premises can be designed in a flexible way that suits the owner’s requirements and budget. There are a lot of different ways the devices can be installed in a premises serving the purpose of comprehensive security or just the required security. The owners have the options to choose what places need to be secured and what not. There are people who believe in putting the security sensors at each and every part of the premises to prevent the intrusion and parallelly there are people who just want to secure the areas with threat possibility like perimeter, main entrance, rooftop, etc. Depending upon such arrangement of the devices, an Intrusion Detection System can be categorized into four basic designs :
Perimeter Protection – Perimeter protection is the concept of installing the security sensors at just the outer walls or boundaries of the premises. Such type of security is designed to deter or detect the intruders at the entry point only and prevent further actions by them.
Interior Protection – Interior protection concept of security comes with the idea of installing security sensors only inside the premises or building. These sensors detect intruders when they have already gained entry into the areas like corridors, roofs, etc.
Combined Protection – Combined protection is the combination of complete perimeter and complete interior protection of the building without leaving any scope for the intruder to act upon his planning. Such type of protection is required at high value places like jewellery shops, banks, etc.
Hybrid Protection – It is not always the case where only the complete perimeter or complete interior protection will serve the purpose of security. Most of the time, the premises are secured by installing some of the perimeter protection devices and some of the interior protection devices. This type of arrangement fulfills the goal of protection and budget efficiency of all the owners.
Benefits of intrusion detection system:
- An Intrusion Detection System is responsible to prevent a burglary or theft in your premises by giving pre warnings.
- An Intrusion Detection System present at your home or office makes the thieves think many times to attempt an entry into your premises due to almost 100 % chances of being caught.
- An Intrusion Detection System can help you see what is going on around your premises with the mobile application.
- An Intrusion Detection System can send you an alert if there is any suspicious movement near the perimeter of your premises.
- An Intrusion Detection System can be integrated with traditional CCTVs to record events only at the time of suspicious activities rather than recording unnecessarily all the time and utilizing the storage space.
- An Intrusion Detection System reduces the cost of deploying a lot of man guards and provide better protection as an added value.
- An Intrusion Detection System when integrated with an Anti-Tailgating System sends you an alert at the time of an unauthorized entry attempt.
Challenges of Intrusion Detection Systems :
- False Alarms: The Intrusion Detection Systems many time create problems for the owners by triggering false alarms. Sometimes it happens that the alarm goes off because of your pet jumping here and there or due to high blowing Winds or by huge surrounding sound.
- Expensive: Despite a huge number of users which too are growing day by day, the cost of Intrusion Detection Systems is still on the costlier side. Although there are a lot of cheaper products available in the market but they are not the choice of buyers as they don’t provide the desired results and no one wants to compromise the safety of their loved ones which ultimately makes them buy the costlier products.
- High maintenance cost: Almost every product need maintenance when in use and same is the case with Intrusion Detection Systems. The installed products require regular maintenance which is too much and thus increases the overall expenses related to the products starting from buying itself.
- Vulnerability to Hackers: With the advancement in Security Systems technology, hackers too are upgrading themselves to achieve their goals. Security Systems being integrated with the internet makes them vulnerable to hackers and thus the security gets compromised sometimes.
- Incompatibility: Sometimes it happens that customers with pre installed products buy some new ones for their premises but now from a different manufacturer and the problem. Here is the point from where the problem starts for them as it appears that the new products can not be integrated with the old ones.
- Incorrect Calibration: Many a time customers compromise their security from the day of getting the Security System installed itself. Customers ask the Technicians to install the devices at places that are far from the reach of their pets so that there is no false alarm but this opens the ways for intruders as well to pass through that device and enter into the premises.
- Incomplete Home Coverage: This is another challenge which is faced by people installing the Intrusion Detection System where they do not get the complete coverage of their homes even after getting installed the high quality products. This may be due to the fact that the customers many a time buy only the limited number of products due to high cost and those products become insufficient for their homes in providing complete security.
- Inactive during Power cuts: Most of the products available in the market are the wired ones operating on electricity all the time and having no backup at the time of power cut. So whenever there is any power cut at the customer’s premises, the devices get disabled and thus the intruders get the chance to break into the premises.
- Low Battery Backup: Some products in the market have battery options to provide backup during the power cut but they too do not have much backup and can leave you unsafe anytime.
Applications of Intrusion Detection System :
- Residence
- Industries
- Banks
- Airports
- Data Centres
- Defence and Cantonment
- Construction Sites
The three types of intrusion detection systems (IDS) are Network-based Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS), which monitor network traffic for suspicious activity and potential threats; Host-based Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDS), which monitor activities on individual devices or hosts for signs of unauthorized access or malicious behavior; and Hybrid Intrusion Detection Systems, combining features of both NIDS and HIDS for broader security coverage. NIDS analyze network packets, HIDS monitor system logs and files, while hybrids offer comprehensive detection capabilities across networks and hosts. These systems play crucial roles in identifying and responding to security incidents in diverse computing environments.
The purpose of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is to detect unauthorized access, misuse, or anomalies in a computer network or system. IDS monitors network traffic, system activities, or both, depending on its type (Network-based IDS or Host-based IDS), to identify potential security breaches or malicious activities. By analyzing patterns, signatures, and behaviors, IDS alerts administrators or automated systems to suspicious activities in real-time, allowing for timely response and mitigation efforts. IDS helps protect against various threats, such as unauthorized access, malware outbreaks, and denial-of-service attacks, thereby enhancing overall cybersecurity posture and safeguarding sensitive data and resources.
An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) typically consists of three main components:
Sensors: These are responsible for monitoring and collecting data related to network traffic or host activities. Sensors can be network-based (NIDS) or host-based (HIDS) depending on their placement and monitoring focus.
Analyzers: The analyzers process the data collected by sensors to detect patterns, signatures, or anomalies that indicate potential security incidents or threats.
Response Mechanism: This component initiates actions based on the alerts generated by the analyzers, such as triggering alarms, logging events, or notifying administrators for further investigation or mitigation.
Together, these components enable IDS to detect and respond to unauthorized activities effectively, enhancing overall security measures.
Why Choose Optex for Intrusion Alarm System:
- It has been more than 44 years, OPTEX is in the Intrusion Alarm System business and providing unmatched safety to all business domains.
- OPTEX believes in providing high quality products, all manufactured in Japan.
- More than 80 countries trust the security provided by OPTEX with the physical presence of the business in 30 countries.
- OPTEX has 40% of the total contribution in Intrusion Detectors for outdoor worldwide.
- OPTEX products undergo more than 150 evaluation tests before being launched into the market.
- OPTEX designs Intrusion sensors with Sensing Algorithm making them stand strong against indoor and outdoor environmental factors.